Ashton Ct150 Chromatic Tuner Manually

Ukulele Tunings Type Standard Tuning Alternate Tunings Soprano G4-C4-E4-A4 A4-D4-F#4-B4 G3-D4-A4-E4 Concert G4-C4-E4-A4 A4-D4-F#4-B4 C3-G3-D4-A4 Tenor G4-C4-E4-A4 G3-C4-E4-A4 D3-G3-B3-E4 Baritone D3-G3-B3-E4 G4-C4-E4-A4 The four main types of ukulele (soprano, concert, tenor and baritone) each have their own standard tuning. Hipnose De Impacto Pdf. However, it has become more common for the three smallest types of ukulele to all be tuned to G-C-E-A. While the standard tuning of the soprano ukulele is A4-D4-F#4-B4, it is now almost exclusively tuned down to the 'concert' tuning of G4-C4-E4-A4. The tenor on the other hand has two common G-C-E-A tunings, involving either a high-G or low-G. 54m Usb Wireless Nic Driver. While the high-G tenor tuning is exactly the same as the concert and soprano tuning (G4-C4-E4-A4), the low-G tuning breaks away from the standard ukulele re-entrant tuning by lowering the G-string by an octave (G3-C4-E4-A4).

Ashton Ct150 Chromatic Tuner Manually