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Spending part of my youth in relative close proximity to Disneyland was a wondrous thing, in part because I was still too ignorant to realize the depths of humankind's capacity for. After my emergence from tweenhood, it would be decades before I set foot in another Disney park, this time the one located directly in the center of the state that's rapidly becoming more known for and the Zika virus than any vestiges of Southern hospitality. And by this point I had learned a little bit about human nature, yet I was still disappointed to learn that the 'Happiest Place On Earth' is often where you can find the worst examples society has to offer, such as. The above breed of vigilant pooch, along with Labradors and golden retrievers, are the ones we typically associate with the service dog industry. But the blind no longer have a monopoly on these fuzzy, working relationships.

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Now that conditions like have also been shown to benefit from the company of a canine companion, so too has the range of breeds employed as service dogs expanded. And so it is we've come to this: Via 'I know I missed a couple insurance payments, but there's no need for them to get passive-aggressive about it.' Read Next I don't mean to disparage all the highly trained schnitzerdoodles and yorkiepoos who carry out their duty with honor and distinction.

Heck, even can be pressed into legitimate therapeutic service nowadays. Genius Trek 310 Driver Windows 7. However, along with the breed (and species) variation, another thing that's expanded is the number of people who are -- by obtaining dubious online paperwork along with a brightly colored vest, fraudulently claiming their pet is a service animal, and then taking their filthy beast into restaurants, onto planes, and to piss and shit all over the grounds of eager-to-accommodate theme parks.

And despite the fact that this sort of activity is a, the Americans With Disabilities Act has made it just as illegal to demand proof of whether an animal is bona fide or not. So some individuals, emboldened by this loophole,. Via 'When the crosswalk light turns green, he lets me know by pissing down my shirt and giving me salmonella.' The fact that theme parks put a lot of people in close quarters with one another can make for some big problems when you add an unruly dog into the mix. And if you think paying some shady dude to print out a fake certificate (that says your purse Chihuahua is a vital part of your dyspepsia treatment or some shit) for the purposes of bringing your furry accomplice into one is a victimless crime, you might reassess your opinion after you've been while waiting in line for the Matterhorn. Or stared in horrified wonder as a pink poodle goes on a fecal rampage through the souvenir stores.

Via She had to listen to that 'Let It Go' song one time too many; we all have our breaking point. Until the of rules and regulations regarding what is and what isn't a service animal is clarified, there's really no downside for those with an annoying mutt and a lack of scruples to lie their way onto It's A Small World and leave steaming mementos all over the dancing Eskimos. So for now you're just going to have to deal with the occasional snarling lap mongrel menacing you in line, while its Mickey-hat-wearing owner joins in on the snarling with, Via 'Toddler mangling is the only thing that soothes my acid reflux.'

A lot of misbehavior in public settings can be chalked up to ignorance, impatience, or simple misunderstandings. El Solfeo En Tebeo Gratis En Pdf on this page. But when you willfully hire a disabled person just to ride on a motherfucking teacup a little bit sooner, you've officially joined the ranks of the world's most magnificent turds.

Via 'Aw, shit. My hat fell off on the log ride.

Here's 5 bucks to go get it.' Before Disney was forced to make regarding such matters, it used to be that people with disabilities were allowed to jump to the front of lines for rides. It's just a nice thing to do, right?

Nobody, not even Cruella de Vil or that dickbag Pete The Cat would be so despicably loathsome as to take selfish advantage of something like that, right? Well, of course they would, and new rules had to be drawn up when it came to light that people were allowing entire groups to cheat their way in front of everyone else. Via 'Any thoughts on sucking so hard Disney is thinking of hiring you as a black hole on Space Mountain?' Don't be feeling too sorry for the 'guides' -- imagining them like desperate little Tiny Tims just doing what they had to do for survival.