Green Luma Cracked Steam Download

Greenluma Reborn

HOW TO DOWNLOAD CSS FOR CRACKED STEAM AND PLAY ON SERVER 3/4[/size] 1. Get Steam, here; 2. Windows 7.

Get GreenLuma, here; 3. Install Steam, and when you have installed it, make any kind of account. Do not use a legit Steam account, unless you actually know how to use it. After installing and making an account, log out of Steam if you are on it and put GreenLuma to your Steam folder.

Use GreenLuma's instructions on where/what to put. Also, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to update GreenLuma when it has an update. On GreenLuma.ini, find this; '# Download counter-strike source client.gcf Download_CSS_Client = 0' And set the 0 to 1, then start Steam again. You will notice it creates a.bat-like file, this means it works and it is creating a gcf, when it is done, log out of Steam again, go to your Steam folder and you will find that gcf, move it to Steamapps. Start GreenLuma once again, then find Counter-Strike Source and download it. NOTE: You might want to disable that GreenLuma.ini setting as it will constantly keep downloading that gcf when you don't need it, repeat step 5, 6 and 7 when CSS gets updated.

If it doesn't work, either, you have done something wrong, I left something, etc. Tell me if you have problems, remember to TYPE WITH CORRECT SPELLING AND PROPER GRAMMAR. If you won't, you'll most surely be ignored unless YOU DO HAVE problems with language.

There are common errors too, and these are; 1. 'Steam Validation Rejected' means that the server is not cracked at all. 'Steam didn't recognize you owning this game, please get on your real steam account.' Or something identical means the server could be cracked, but has VAC2 on it. Proof of people that used this guide AND WORKED; ZPU.FACTOR Edugta Juan92 Soldier-X Niggamon (When he still had cracked CSS) MORE DETAILS, GEEK TALK; read if you want As you may or may not notice, back then any cracked steam could download CSS without any need of gcf, just find it on your steam and download it, then that's it.