Java Rxtx Usb Serial Adapter

I add some detail to my question. I receive on my Xbee device a flow of GPS coordinates but I'm unable to read and stock these data on a buffer. My Xbee device is connected to my laptop on a usb serial port, that's why I want to create a program java to read and use my data flow sending by the serial port. I'm searching on internet some code example or tutorials, without enought advices for my understanding, or I just find some dead projects. I found that it's possible to use jssc library or javax.comm (but I can't download the on sun). Do you know an other better USB API?

Java Rxtx Usb Serial AdapterJava Rxtx Usb Serial Adapter

Migration RXTX from to. 517387] ftdi_sio 1-1.2:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device. Native lib Version = RXTX-2.2pre2 Java lib Version. Rxtx serial port event problems with usb adapter. To build RxTx on your native platform: $ tar xvf 2.1.7r2-Java8.tar.gz $ cd 2.1.7r2-Java8/ $./configure $ make. The Java Simple Serial Connector, or jSSC for short, is another open source project that can be found here: It is available for a host of processor/OS. I used Java RXTX to send data over the serial port to my basic. Usb to Serial Port Adapter. Java communication using USB Serial COM Port.

Could you help me to understand how I can manage to read and stock my Flow of GPS cordinate? Forget abut USB, it acts as transparent bridge. What you need is a way to read from the serial port. Javax.comm is not (officially) available any more. Satellite Party Ultra Payloaded RARE.

I have been successfull dealing with the arduino serial port with the library. First make sure you see the serial port on your dev machine. This might require to install a driver.

Then use a terminal program to connect to the serial port. Once this is working go on and get RXTX working. Just in case: You can have only one connection at a time. Restaurant Management Software In Vb Net Google. Make sure that only one of IDE, terminal programm and RXTX is connecting to the serial port at the same time.