Manual Proxy Settings Msn Messenger

Page: >of pages Oct 29, 2006 @ 11:48 PM i need help w/ my msn messenger (proxy problems) Posts: 34 ok i need help i can use anything that has to connect to somewhere. Ok before u ask yes a looked at the firewall settings all 4 of them and they all accept but i still cant update or even use msn messenger. All the programs say the same thing to check my proxy settings and fire wall but i forgot how to get to the proxy stettings can some one help me? O and i have win.

MSN Messenger. Parent proxy function enables CCProxy to access. Mail Proxy Settings for Domain Clients To make mail proxy. Documents Similar To Ccproxy Manual. If you connect to the internet through a proxy server, Skype automatically detects your proxy settings. If for some reason Skype cannot connect to your proxy server, you can try to manually configure Skype to connect to it — but we don't support manually configuring your proxy settings and cannot guarantee the steps below.

Change Manual Proxy Settings

Xp wich dosnt help this problem any. Anna Oct 30, 2006 @ 2:08 PM i need help w/ my msn messenger (proxy problems) Posts: 3,291 HI Just for fun exit your firewall then try. Found this at, th. # In the left pane, click Connection.

# Under Connection Settings, click Advanced Settings. # In the Settings dialog box, click Test in the HTTP Proxy section. The test results will appear in the Connection Tester dialog box. # Click OK after the test finishes. # Optional: Let MSN Messenger log your sign-in process for better troubleshooting. You can use the connection log to troubleshoot your MSN connection problem. (This is very helpful to have should you need to contact Customer Support.) Under MSN Messenger Settings, select the Save a log of my server connections to help troubleshoot connection problems check box.

# Click OK, and then click OK again. # Try signing in to MSN Messenger again. # If you still can't sign in: 1.

Start Microsoft Internet Explorer and try to go to a website, for example If the website does not open, contact your ISP (Internet service provider. A company that provides access to the Internet.) for assistance in enabling your Internet connection. If you use a proxy to access the Internet, it could be that your proxy settings are incorrect. Contact your, or your proxy server's support, for more information on setting up your Internet proxy settings. If you're behind a corporate firewall, contact your firewall administrator to verify if MSN Messenger is allowed access through the network. Oct 30, 2006 @ 11:18 PM i need help w/ my msn messenger (proxy problems) Posts: 34 i tryed that like 100 times i cant get the stupid thing to work Nov 1, 2006 @ 9:04 PM i need help w/ my msn messenger (proxy problems) Posts: 5,099 Try going to and get another free download.

Reinstall windows live messenger 8 and see if you still have problems. When I had Zone Alarm it said it was configured to accept and no matter what I did I could not get messenger to work. So I uninstalled it and messenger started working right after that, along with my home network and a few other things. Seems that ZA is very agressive, maybe you are having a problem with that. Any way the new messenger may work better for you give it a shot. Virgin Cable Boxes Hacked Pics.

It is here if you need the URL. S Nov 12, 2006 @ 12:41 AM i need help w/ my msn messenger (proxy problems) Posts: 34 iv tryed that as well Nov 12, 2006 @ 12:03 PM i need help w/ my msn messenger (proxy problems) Posts: 5,099 Then you could try MSN live tech chat support. They may be able to solve your problem.

Only thing I can come up with at the moment. S Nov 21, 2006 @ 10:10 AM i need help w/ my msn messenger (proxy problems) Posts: 2 If you have problem to connect to msn / yahoo because of your proxy / firewall you can use soft on With it you can bypass any proxy /firewall If site is blocked u can download version oh Nov 21, 2006 @ 10:12 AM i need help w/ my msn messenger (proxy problems) Posts: 2 TRy to go on page: >of pages. - How to Cheat at Configuring ISA (Internet Security and Acceleration) Server 2004 meets the needs of system administrators for a concise, step-by-step guide to getting one of Microsoft's most complex server products up and running. While books twice its size may be perfect for network designers and security. How to Cheat at Configuring ISA Server 2004.