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How To Heal Dry Feet And Cracked Heels 2% Salicylic Acid Gold bond ultimate healing with skin therapy cream That’s it! The Salicylic Acid is an exfoliant and it helps get rid of the dead skin on your dry feet and cracked heels. Then the Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Cream moisturizes so that the dry skin and cracked heels don’t come back. When I tried this the FIRST night I noticed a big difference. My feet aren’t horrid by any means but they were dry and and starting to crack and not look so great so I was very happy for this easy treatment. 2% Salicylic Acid is just acne medicine.

You can get it in the pads, cleanser or as a toner. I have used all of them and they all worked great. After I figured this out I was going though e-mail tips and found this tip from one of our faithful readers, Rose, and I wanted to share her tip for helping diabetic feet.

Winconnect Server Vs Cracked FeetWinconnect Portal

Help with Dry Feet in Diabetics Rose writes: My hubby, who is disabled and has diabetes, was told by his foot doctor to make sure to put a lotion on his foot. (He is an amputee and has only one leg.) The doctor told him to make sure the lotion has cocoa butter, aloe vera and vitamin E in it. I went to 2 different places (Walmart and Walgreens) and both pharmacists said they didn’t have any kind of lotion with all three of those ingredients, but both recommended this one brand (highly recommended) for diabetics who have severely dry feet. It is Gold Bond Ultimate Healing with Skin Therapy Cream. It has 7 intense moisturizers. I got the one with aloe. It also has vitamins A, C and E.

It does penetrate fast, it is non greasy (big plus because I hate greasy lotions!) and it has a nice scent. Normally, I don’t like to recommend stuff like this(especially lotions because everyone seems to have his or her own favorite) but last night I used a bit of this on my own feet and I must share with you all that my feet feel so soft and smooth! (I have diabetes, too, so I do suffer from very dry feet.) Normally, when I do put lotion on my feet, they feel dry the next day (really no improvement) but almost 24 hours after putting on the Gold Bond Ultimate Healing, my feet feel like I just put lotion on them. I bought the Gold Bond at Walmart. (It’s cheaper there.) I paid less than $6 but this is for 2 people and hubby and I won’t use this every day In fact, I bought it 4 days ago and used it once on him and now once on me so we expect to use it just once every 5 days.

I slept with a pair of cotton socks on last night, too. (I normally do because if my feet get cold, I get cramps in my feet and legs. My doctor says this is one of the symptoms of having diabetes.) -Rose. By the way, Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Cream is the stuff that Mike LOVES to use in the winter.

His hands get really badly cracked and bleed without it. I’ve never tried it because I always have a ton of other lotion to use up but I’m planning to use this one from now on! (Can I get them to pay me to be a spokesperson?!

LOL) So, do you have problems with dry feet or cracked heels? If so what do you do for them? Tawra Jill: I had almost given up on anything working on any area of my body after trying so many things but last night as I crawled into bed I rubbed an acne pad Tawra had given me over my feet. I didn’t expect anything to happen at all but during the night I rubbed my feet together and they were as soft as a little baby’s bottom.

I was shocked! Hi.I have severe dry skin that cracks and weeps.

Mase Double Up Download Blogspot here. When it gets bad, I use a little vaseline, then socks. I also do this for my hands (socks too!!). Save your old/mismatch socks for this purpose.

I also use a VERY thin amount as a moisturizer on my face/eyesOlive oil works as well If you need a good product, Walmart has something in their EQUATE brand called dry skin cream. It comes in a tub and is the same as AQUAPHOR, which can be pricey.

Run For Cover Midi File on this page. Walmart’s is much cheaper and works the same. FYI: use SPARINGLY as it can get greasy.

I read somewhere that the BEST time to apply these things is after a warm shower to lock in the moisture. Sounds like a good excuse for a foot soak with a few drops of peppermint oil. I also use the Ped Egg on my feet.Check with the Dr if you have diabetes first!!Have a Blessed day!!!